Chiropractic SEO

September 26, 2012

Statistics have shown that the primary source for people looking to get chiropractic care is on the Internet. Their most common way of finding a good source for this is through search engines. Google, Bing and Yahoo are the most popular tools used when looking for these services. Having your site appear at the top of those lists can guarantee you a lot of traffic and potential clients. To understand exactly how to increase the chances of popping up on the results of those lists, we have to first comprehend just how these searches work.

Seek and you shall find

Search engines like those stated above work by hunting down the words someone is searching for in sites and articles. The closer the words stated in your materials are, to the words typed into the search engine, the more visible and higher ranking your site will be. This is known as search optimization. In order for your site to rank high, your job is to tailor the articles and words in your site to fit the most common words used by people who are searching.

Being highly ranked in the search engines leads to more people clicking on your site and seeing your services. Most people do not go too deep into the results and tend to settle on the first few sites they see. People usually stop their search as soon as they find what they need. With the right search optimization in place, your site will be highly visible and will attract much attention your way.

More people seeing your site, means more potential patients for your practice. Once they make it to your site and see that you can take care of their needs, they will be happy to sign up with you. This results in a very healthy and growing practice. This is the beauty of search optimization. It provides a way for you to be seen as one of the top sources.

High-ranking search results also provide a passive presence of integrity and popularity for your site. Because you are at the top of the list, most people trust that your site is the most appropriate match to their need. Since you are at the head of the most common results, it is assumed that your practice is prominent in this area.

Keep in mind however, that as time goes by, search engines do change their algorithms for determining the top hits. This is to prevent abuse of the search optimization system. Making sure your site is up to date with these types of systems is key to staying on top. Remember that technology and its users are always advancing. As the power and intelligence of the search engine grows so must your understanding and knowledge of your tools. Search optimization is a very handy tool that could bring much success to your practice if used correctly.

If you would like some assistance with your chiropractic website's search ranking, give our staff a call at (800) 295-3346. We'll be happy to help you!