One location looking to rank #1.



Scan your business listings for free

Target new patients online

Custom content on your website about your services boosts search ranking and attracts your ideal patients.

Learn about custom content

Appear everywhere local patients search

Control your critical business information across 80+ leading maps, apps, search engines, and social networks.

Learn about Listing Sync

Get more 5-star reviews

Online reviews are the new referral. Empower your happy patients to write more 5-star online reviews.

Learn about Chiropractic Online Review Building


Build on the best chiropractic website platform.

Our online marketing plans are provided exclusively to clients with our N8 Chiropractic Websites. We build each line of code to fill your website with smart features that maximize all of your marketing efforts.

  • Built-in content instantly boosts organic search visibility
  • Powerful structured markup improves SEO
  • Library of professional media engages patients 
Fewer costs, better results

Your N8 Chiropractic Website, with its best-in-class performance, is included with your marketing plan at no additional cost. Your website is the foundation on which we'll build your success.

Learn more about N8 Chiropractic Websites
ChiroHosting - N8 Chiropractic Website - Build on the best website for chiropractors

Earn priority support.

Your online marketing plan grants you a direct line to our support team without the need to wait in line.

Scheduled communication with transparency

Online marketing isn't magic. So why do other "online gurus" keep you in the dark?

We're proud of our work and want you to understand how it'll benefit your practice. We touch base with you every month to report your progress and keep you informed.

Earn priority support

Be found everywhere local patients search.

Patients use maps, apps, search engines, social networks, and voice assistants to find local businesses.
This means that you must maintain accurate, complete, and up-to-date business listings across the web.

Learn more about Listing Sync

Control your chiropractic business' information across 100+ digital services


Gain more local visibility.

As a chiropractor, one of the most effective ways to standout online is by ranking well in the local search results. Local search results are based on relevance, distance, and prominence.

What's in a name, address, phone?

Much of your web presence is held together by your name, address, and phone (NAP) data.

When your NAP data appears in a credible directory, like Yelp or Yellowpages, it's referred to as a structured citation. Structured citations help increase your local prominence.

We use direct integrations to build and synchronize your structured citations with accurate, consistent data across the search ecosystem to maximize your prominence in local results.

Optimize for Google local search

Potential patients use Google more than any other search engine online. That's why you have to appear in Google's local search results.

We help you achieve this by setting up and optimizing your Google Business Profile as soon as your marketing plan begins.

ChiroHosting - Chiropractic Online Marketing Plans - Local Search Ranking SEO - Smartphone searches for local chiropractor with Google

Organic long-term benefits.

Each page and blog post on your website has the potential to appear in the organic search results of a potential patient. This is why we produce custom content that's search engine optimized and tactfully focused on the keywords being searched by your ideal patients.

The best part about creating custom content on your website is the long-term benefits. Once you publish a page or post on your website, it can catch the eye of a patient tomorrow, the next day, or even years from now.

Everyone loves fresh and unique content

Search engines are like humans in that they love fresh and unique content. That's why we'll regularly update your website with new content that is one-of-a-kind.

The more exceptional content you have on your website, the more likely new patients will be to discover you through organic search results.

Organic long-term benefits

Online reviews are the new referral.

Recent surveys are finding that nearly 90% of respondents read and use online reviews to determine the quality of local businesses. On top of that, they say they trust online reviews as much as they'd trust a personal recommendation.

More 5-star reviews

Chiropractic Online Review Builder makes it easy for happy patients to write 5-star reviews on the websites that will best help your practice.

Convert happy patients to reviewers on:

  • Google
  • Facebook
  • Yelp
  • Yellow Pages
  • Healthgrades
  • many more...
Protect yourself from bad reviews

Our Chiropractic Online Review Building allows you to recover an unhappy patient before they leave a negative review online. Their feedback will only be emailed to your inbox.

Learn about Chiropractic Online Review Building
5-Star review is provided with easy links to share their positive experience online

Like it? You'll love it.

Social media is now a part of everyday life. By maintaining your social media presence, you show your current and prospective patients that your practice is healthy and active. But, making daily posts to multiple platforms requires time that you may not have.

Daily social media posts point to your website

Share the benefits of chiropractic with relevant articles and chiropractic videos. Daily posts are automatically shared through your Facebook, Twitter, and Google Business Profile.

It's better than any other chiropractic social media service because every post links back to your own website!

Learn about Automated Chiropractic Social Media
ChiroHosting - Automated Chiropractic Social Media - Automatically share images, articles, and videos to your Facebook, Twitter, and Google Business Profile

Keep in touch with your contacts.

Email is a great medium to keep in touch with your contacts. Periodic email newsletters serve as a reminder that chiropractic care makes everyone's life better.

Engaging content, effortless delivery

The big problem is that producing your own newsletter take a lot of time and good amount of know-how. Not only do you have to think of interesting topics, you have to write articles on your website, prepare emails, and send campaigns. The reality is that you plan to do a newsletter, but it's just too much work.

ChiroHosting makes your life easier with our Chiropractic Email Newsletter service.

  • Features an article and video about the benefits of chiropractic
  • Drives traffic back to your N8 Chiropractic Website
  • Delivered twice each month
Learn about Chiropractic Email Newsletter
Keep in touch with your contacts with semi-monthly chiropractic email newsletters


Instantly check the health of your practice.

See how your most critical business data appears across Google, Yelp, Facebook and dozens more maps, apps, search engines, and directories.

Evaluate your current local SEO performance

Identify opportunities to increase exposure to new patients

Stop losing clients because you're invisible online



FREE N8 Chiropractic Website

($49.95 monthly value)

Priority Support

All support requests go to the front of the queue

Organic SEO: Custom Content

Four (4) keyword targeted blog posts published monthly

Local SEO: Structured Citations

Listing Sync Plus controls your business' info across 80+ digital services 1 & 2

Online Review Generation

FREE Chiropractic Online Review Building

($59.99 monthly value)

Daily Social Media Posts

FREE Automated Chiropractic Social Media

($29.99 monthly value)

Semi-Monthly Newsletter

FREE Chiropractic Email Newsletter

($19.99 monthly value)

1. Our Listing Lock service provides access to over 80 publishers, but some may not fit your business.
On average, each our clients' locations sync information with 60+ publishers.

2. This service is currently limited to business locations in the United States.
Contact our team for details if your business is outside of the US.


Compare all marketing plans


Save 15% with annual billing.
Get flexibility to upgrade or downgrade at any time with month to month payments.


Month to month

One-time $300 setup fee