If you’re looking for new patients for your practice, you need to have a great website. When patients are looking for a chiropractor to help them solve their health problems, your website is the perfect tool to convert site visitors into paying patients.
What makes an effective chiropractic website? When we’re getting out clients set up at ChiroHosting, there are four essential things we need to create a solid foundation for their practice website.
Quality Photos
The internet is a visual medium, and your patients expect quality images on your site, especially of you, your staff, and your office. Your website needs to convey professionalism, and that means you have to have good quality images.
When patients are visiting your website for the first time, they have a lot of questions and concerns about whether you’ll be the best fit for them. A professional photo of yourself is critical, as it helps you present a good first impression of your practice and your expertise. Your personal and office photos are a simple way to show your professionalism and welcome people to your office.
The more photos, the better, too. Your website also needs to have a substantial Google+, Facebook, and Yelp profile, and each of those need images. Some research indicates that having more images on Google+ can help you rank higher in the Google Local Business listings. These services also require larger, higher quality images, so make sure you get full-size photos. You can always make a good image smaller; you can’t make a small image larger!
A good portrait photo must be:
- Well lit
- Clearly focused
- Large size and good resolution
While hiring a professional photographer might seem expensive, quality images will help you grow your practice, and are a wise investment.
(Example of poor vs good photo)
High Quality Logo
Your clinic logo is another place where you don’t want to skimp. Because your logo represents your practice, you need to make sure that your designer provides you with quality copies to use for all of your clinic needs. Your logo will also be used on Google+ and Facebook, and they also require high quality images for uploading.
When you’re working with your logo designer, make sure you get a vector version of your logo, rather than a raster version (often a gif or jpeg). A vector image is scalable, meaning you can resize it to any size you need.
Here’s the difference in appearance between a raster image and a vector image:
Your Biography
Why are people visiting your website? To see if you can help them improve their health. Part of the decision making process for many patients is seeing who you are. A well-written biography (with a nice portrait!) is the perfect way to introduce yourself to your prospective patients.
Your biography page is where you will talk about what inspired you to become a chiropractor, what your hobbies are, and what training you have.
To really engage with your potential patients, talk about your passions and why you love being a chiropractor. Show your site visitors who you are! There are thousands of chiropractors, so show people in your community why you’re unique.
Patients are visiting your website looking for help. Perhaps they’re suffering from chronic back pain or sciatica, and they’re looking for someone who can help them get out of pain. Patient testimonials are powerful because they show people that you’ve helped real people with similar problems get well.
With your testimonials, it’s great to have a photo of the patient and you’ll need to have their written permission to use those, of course. Even better are short video testimonials where you can have the patient briefly talk about the problem they were experiencing and how you’ve helped them get better.
For more information about getting the most out of your chiropractic website, give us a call today at (800) 295-3346