Every few years it’s a good idea to revisit your website and make sure it’s still working for you. Oftentimes we see chiropractors create their website and then forget about it. We’ve seen websites that haven’t been updated for decades! It’s rare, but there are a few out there.
When you revisit your website, it gives you a chance to think about a few different areas that you might not have given much attention to lately. A website check-in might turn out to be everything is working fine as is let’s leave it or it could open up areas for improvement.
A website refresh is a great time to reevaluate the following areas:
- Your goals
- Your brand
- Your content
- Your imagery
- Your website provider
1. Your goals
What were the goals of your website last time you checked-in? Was it just to have a site and get it live? Or maybe it was to rank high in local search? Maybe it was to book a certain number of appointments via your website. How has your website been helping you meet those goals? Are you under performing or exceeding expectations?
If your initial goal was just to get a website setup. A website refresh is a great opportunity to establish SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely) goals. Some examples of SMART goals include:
- Book 10 new patients each month
- Grow website traffic by 10% over the next 6 months
- Increase ranking to top 3 in local search by the end of the year
If you want more help with your goal setting. You can download our Guide: Goal Setting For Growing Your Chiropractic Practice.
2. Your brand
A website refresh is a great time to revisit your branding for both online and offline marketing. Maybe you’ve been wanting to update your logo and your brand colors for some time. Now, is the time to implement those changes on your website and social media accounts as well as echoing them on your print collateral: brochures, business cards, and direct mailers. Or maybe you’re happy with your branding and you decide to leave everything as is. Either way, it’s good to take a look at your marketing materials from time-to-time.
3. Your content
It’s always a good idea to do a content audit with a website refresh. What’s currently on your website? Do you have way too much or too little information? Is your content dated? Have you been wanting to add a chiropractic blog, but haven’t yet? It’s a great time to reassess your content strategy and to update or remove old content.
4. Your imagery
What sort of imagery do you have on your site? Did you want to add video content, iconography, or professional photography? Now, it is a great time to look through your site to determine any updates. We recommend focusing on your highest-traffic pages because that’s where you’ll get the most impressions. You can check out our blog post on how to select photography for your website to give you a few ideas.
5. Your website provider
Last but not least, when you revisit your website with a refresh, it’s a good time to reconsider your website provider. You may absolutely love your current provider and that’s great! But if your provider isn’t a good fit for your practice, then it might behoove you to think of changing. Some examples of when to examine the pros and cons of staying with your website provider:
- You might have spun up a simple website yourself, but you need/want someone to take it to the next level.
- Your website provider is expensive compared to the value that they’re providing.
- Your website provider’s customer support is subpar. Whenever you reach out to them, you don’t receive a timely response or a response at all. Maybe the interactions aren’t helpful.
- Your website isn’t meeting the expectations you had in mind and your current website provider hasn’t been able to help you reach your goals whether it’s new appointments, increased website traffic, or a higher ranking.
If you’re at a point where you want to consider changing your provider, you can check out our Website Provider Evaluation Worksheet to help you make your decision.
With all that said, a website refresh is a great opportunity to improve your marketing across the board. We’ve helped hundreds of chiropractors update their websites. If this is something that you’re ready to do, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We would love to help you meet your goals.