5 COOL Summer Chiropractic Marketing Ideas for your Social Media!
There are some simple ways you can engage your local audience via your social media. Even if you don’t end up scheduling these you can always check out our Facebook, Twitter or Google+ and share our posts with your own Social Media accounts. It’s simple!
First...A Few Key Points:
Whether you create your own post, share or retweet you will want to utilize the corresponding #hashtag. In many unofficial or official holidays there is a widely used #hashtag associated with it. Feel free to use additional #hashtags where appropriate.
Scheduling Tools
If you are ready to schedule posts on your own (or have someone on your staff to do so for you) there are some great scheduling tools you might want to try.
- Buffer
- HootSuite
- SproutSocial
- Directly - It’s also very simple to post directly on the social media you are using. For example, if you have Facebook simply log in and post. We know some chiropractors don’t have multiple social media accounts, so perhaps it’s easiest to simply log in to your account and post in the moment.
People LOVE Images!
If you are creating your own posts rather than sharing or retweeting you will want to add an image. It’s proven that your engagement is off the charts higher if you have a visual element attached to it.
Convincing Stats
- Facebook posts with images receive 2.3X more engagement than those without
- BuzzSumo - Tweets with images receive 150% more retweets than those without
- Buffer
Tools to Build Your Own Images (in 1,2,3)
Put These on Your Calendar to Create (or Share or Retweet)!
1. June is National Great Outdoors Month!
I just posted this one yesterday.
Don't have time to create a post right now? You can share directly from our Twitter or Facebook instantly!
If you do want to create your own post, but don't have time to make an image feel free to use ours!
Writing your original content or sharing content about National Observances shows that you are caring about the wellbeing of your audience. Clearly, the outdoors promotes a healthy lifestyle. So, whether you create your own posts, share our’s or someone else’s, make sure you include a few words of your own. This allows you to speak directly to your followers on social media.
2. TODAY - The Second Tuesday in June is National Call Your Doctor Day
Share this NOW on Facebook or Twitter!
According to a 2015 survey by ZocDoc, 80 percent of Americans delay or forgo preventative care. This number increases to 93 percent when surveying Millennials! Remind your audience how important it is to take care of themselves! Show them how much you care.
If you don't have time to create your own image, but want to create your own post rather than share please feel free to use ours.
3. July 4th, 2017 is Independence Day!
Whether you want to promote patriotism, Fireworks Safety Month and/or Independence, in general, you will definitely want to reach out through your social media. This is one of the year’s biggest Holidays in the United States and a great opportunity to engage your followers. Plan in advance to make sure you don’t miss it.
BTW: July is also Fireworks Safety Month #FireworksSafetyMonth. So, you have another opportunity to post something original or just put on your calendar to share once we enter into July.
4. July is National Ice Cream Month!
Who doesn’t love ice cream or at least sorbet? This is a great opportunity to not only post via your social media...you might want to offer free ice cream or popsicles at your office during the month of July. You will certainly garner some life long patients by having summer treats on hand during the hottest months of the summer. Of course, kids will love it too...if not even more! This could be an excellent time to offer a FREE first visit for kids! Spread the word on your social media and also in office to all of your current patients!
5. July is Grilling Month!
Grilling/BBQ/Barbequing is synonymous with summer, family, friends, and FUN! Remind your patients how much you value all of these things. Showing your core values as a health care provider is important. Perhaps you even have a raffle for a grill, a grilling cookbook, grilling related gift basket for any patients who visit during the month of July. Whatever it might be...small or large...make it fun for your patients and your staff. The more you convey a positive atmosphere on and offline the more patients you will draw into your practice.
What’s Next?
To supplement seasonal posts to your social media you might want to consider Automated Chiropractic Social Media. It's very important to stay current on your social media. This helps with local search results and simply conveys a positive image. If you would like to discuss the current ranking of your social media, Automated Chiropractic Social Media or just need some DIY tips please schedule a 1-on-1 with us. We are happy to do an audit of your social media presence as well as answer any questions.
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