Most marketing companies will tell you to market in a certain radius around your office. Why limit yourself? Last week, on my way to Iowa for the holidays, my radius expanded to 1,028 miles. How did I do this? Easy - I market myself every single place I go, whether it is simply going down the street to the super market or flying home for the holidays. Have you ever heard the idea that every one is connected by “6 degrees of separation?” It states, only six people connect us to any one person on this planet. Amazing, isn’t it? Well it’s false! You have to create the 6 degrees of separation for yourself between you and everyone that needs you. That’s why I leave my business card wherever I find a spot big enough---gas stations, banks, coffee shops, super markets and restaurants. The worst thing they do is trash your card. The BEST thing is they come to see you or remember your name and tell someone about you (The Six Degrees).
So how did I market myself 1,028 miles away from my office located in Plymouth, MA? Whenever I fly I wear a shirt that says “ULTIMATE CHIROPRACTOR” in huge letters on the front and down the sleeve. I WANT people to know I am a chiropractor, I am proud of what I do and stand for. So I had my shirt on in O’Hare Airport (Chicago) and a guy sitting next to me asked me about it and I told him that I am a chiropractor. As most people do, he said, “Wow, you seem too young to be a doctor.” I told him, “I am old enough to know when people need me and that’s all that matters in my office.” After some small talk we came to realize, he lives in a town only 10 miles from my office. From me always wearing TIC or talking TIC my office has Four New Patients this week alone from the hockey team he coaches. He seemed too old to coach hockey. But what do I know I am just a young chiropractor.
Keeping TIC Alive,
Dr. Joshua Koenig