One of our most common questions is "how can I make my website better?"
The answer usual includes a schpeel about linguistics, user interface, and messaging, but we've added an additional emphasis-- video! After some extensive research, we've discovered that websites that include video are significantly more successful than websites that use only text and images. Chiropractic websites that utilize text, images, and video together tend to convert more patients, have lower "bounce rates", and receive better search engine placement.
The reason is simple -- video is personal. When someone visits your website and gets to watch a 1-2 minute video of your introducing your clinic, it gives them an opportunity to get to know you and it eases their apprehensions about chiropractic. This is especially true if you're an honest, friendly, skilled chiropractor. We recommend adding a short introduction video to your home page, a longer friendly video on your biography page, and a comprehensive video on your services page. Our staff can give you pointers on exactly what to say and how to shoot the videos for maximum effect -- just call us!