Whether you have just started your chiropractic business or have been practicing for the last twenty years, eventually you are going to want a website to bring in new clients. The domain name is going to be the first thing a customer sees on online, so you will want to choose it wisely.
Before your chiropractic website is even created, you will want to pick the best domain name to fit your business. The key to a perfect domain name is keeping it as small and as simple as possible. Try to keep it related to the name of your practice and incorporate your town name. Using your town in the domain makes people consider you as the primary source in the area. You aren't a chiropractor that lives in Springfield, you are Springfield's chiropractor. The distinction is vast and important.
Many businesses think their website needs an overly descriptive domain name, when the complete opposite is true. Sit with your website designer and talk through some of your options. A domain name isn't a sentence. Something like 'the best chiropractor in the state.com' will seem silly and wordy when 'springfieldchiropractor.com' (insert your town name there) is more appropriate and memorable.
Remember that because you aren't the only chiropractor out there, and you are fighting for domain names with people not just in your town, but the entire country. If you have a common town name, there is a good chance that you won't be able to get the easiest iterations of your business and town. Just remember to keep it as simple as possible.