One of our VIP Chiropractic Marketing clients has seen a real boost in his search ranking from the work we've done on his site, and I wanted to write about how we did it.
Backlinks to your site are a powerful way to build your site's credibility in Google's ranking algorithm. If people legitimately like your content and link to it, Google's going to say, "Hey, this must be good content! Let's move the site higher up in the rankings."
(Remember, we're talking about real backlinks here; not backlinks you've paid for. Bad backlinks can destroy your search ranking faster than anything. Don't buy backlinks!)
As part of our VIP Service, we do a Viral Chiropractic Post during the campaign. The point of such posts is to:
- Create something that will get a lot of traffic
- Create something that many people will share on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+
- Create something that people will link to from their own sites
This kind of content takes a lot of work to create if you want to be successful at it. You have to write up something shareable, spread the word, and then keep sharing it until it gets some momentum. (Doing one of these posts takes us about a full week of work with research, writing, and sharing it through our various channels.)
Even though it's a lot of work, it really pays off with the improvements you'll see in your search ranking. Let's look at the work we did for our client, Dr. Brad Dahlager and see the benefits to his site.
The Viral Post
We created a post for Dr. Dahlager on the Top 5 Chiropractic Wellness Studies on February 10th. We immediately shared it on our Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ accounts (we have about 6000+ followers combined), and sent out an email to our list of subscribers.
Before the viral post was sent out, the site was receiving just a few local visits every day. For the first few days of the viral campaign, there was a huge surge of visitors, and the baseline of visits has jumped considerably and continues still today, two weeks later.
Now, the new traffic isn't local. It's from around the world. But what this influx in traffic does is boost social sharing from Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.
Social Sharing
Here's a screencap of the social shares that the page has received. Currently, it's at 349 Facebook likes, 48 Tweets, and 36 Google+ shares.
Google and Facebook look at social sharing to determine how relevant and useful a web page is. If they see a lot of shares, they assume that people find the information on the page to be good, and they'll rank it higher.
We don't quite have a good idea of the number of new backlinks from the post, as all of the backlink tracking data takes a few weeks to show up in our SEO tools. We'll have a better idea of the new backlinks over the next few months. The great thing about the backlinks we're seeing so far is that they're from real sites by chiropractors, which is only going to help Dr. Dahlager.
Effects on Ranking for Noblesville Chiropractor
Every doctor wants to rank #1 for "Your Town" Chiropractor. That's the main search term for every chiropractic office in the world, and the toughest to achieve, because...well, every other chiropractor in your town is trying to do the same thing!
When Dr. Dahlager came to us for SEO help, he was #36 for his primary search term. As of 2/24, he hit #1.
Why Viral Posts Work
This SEO strategy works for a few reasons:
- It creates content that is shared by a lot of people
- It creates content that people link to from their sites or blogs
- It creates content that is shared on Facebook and Google+
- It increases traffic to chiropractic websites
- It shows that your site is active and dynamic
We're very pleased with our work on this project and Dr. Dahlager is pleased that he's at #1 in the Google search results.
If you're interested in our VIP Chiropractic Marketing Service and would like us to work on your search ranking, give us a call at (800) 295-3346 or email us at support@chirohosting.com today.