Proving Yourself to Your Patients

October 20, 2014

When a potential patient ends up on your chiropractic website, you have about five seconds to prove yourself and your expertise. There are many components to doing that:

  • Make sure your site is mobile-ready. If you can't view your site on a mobile device, you're turning away patients.
  • Make sure your site is modern. An old-style site that hasn't been updated for five years is going to give people the wrong impression about your practice.
  • Make sure you have a great photo of yourself and your staff. People want to see human faces on your site, so introduce yourself to the world!
  • Make sure you have testimonials from your patients.

The last one takes some work on your part, as you have to ask people for a testimonial in writing. But doing this work is well worth the effort put into it, as it reinforces your credibility if you have real people talking about how you've helped them.


If you have any questions about getting more out of your chiropractic web presence, learn about our services here. We have an array of services that fit any practice need, from basic value websites to complete online marketing.