For your chiropractic website and, for anyone else who has a professional website, it is extremely important to add an "About Us" page, says Digital Agency Network. Normally after arriving on your homepage website, visitors look for this page to get an idea about who you and your team are. Beyond reading your bios with images, it's your presentation layout on the page which shows your uniqueness and pride of your team!
So, how do you create a great "Meet the Team" page?
The most important intent you want from your "About Us" or "Meet the Team" page is to connect to your audience. Your patients usually want to get an idea about your practice, moreover, they want to feel connected to you and your team...personally!
We are living in a digital age where transparency should be encouraged and is becoming more prevalent. It's best to give as much positive information about your practice as possible. Your patients are looking for TRUST! Allowing them to feel this way when viewing your "About/Meet" pages enables your patients to build this trust.
Furthermore, you may have a prospective employee who might be checking you out as well. Your "About/Meet" pages gives them important information about your business while you proudly showcase your team in a professional manner. This will leave a positive effect on them.
Do not be discouraged to add personal touch on your page
So, "About/Meet" pages are normally the first starting point after your patients have arrived to your website. Beyond the overall web design, use high quality images or graphics that show off your team and clearly define your chiropractic company profile.
Lean heavily on telling your teams' responsibilities and talents. You will be surprised how your patients appreciate the accolades and credentials your team has worked so hard to achieve. Feel free to link to CV's or other external social profiles that strengthen your position.
Finally, your "About/Meet" page expresses your chiropractic practice's branding and identity. While creating this page, you are creating a personality or a human touch that allows the reader (your patients) to grow with you.
A creative "About/Meet" page is the best place to show your chiropractic practice’s culture and team. Use your creativity while adding personality to this section. To help strengthen your message, feel free to add videos, use illustrations or mention personal details about your employees.
This will make you more memorable.
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