In our previous articles about chiropractic marketing, we've talked about why good images are important, and especially why images are a key part of your Google My Business profile.
Now, new research has found that businesses that have more images on their Google My Business page get more traffic and higher revenue.
In this study, researchers analyzed 15,191 Google My Business profiles for a variety of factors, including the number of images. The study found the following:
- Businesses that had more images on their profile had more site traffic and phone calls.
- Businesses with more images get more views of their profiles.
- Businesses with a higher number of images were more likely to appear in search.
The study found that businesses with 100 or more images received five times the calls of those with a small number of images!
Getting More Photos
This is one of the easiest things to do for your business. First, you need to make sure that you've verified your Google My Business page, of course. But once you have that taken care of, it's easy to take a bunch of quality photos of your office and upload those directly to your profile.
Google also allows your patients to upload images of your business, so it's important to monitor those photos to make sure they're appropriate and of a good quality. You can flag any images that aren't suitable for your business.
If you have any questions about optimizing your Google My Business profile (or anything about marketing your office), give us a call today at (800) 295-3346. Our marketing experts will be happy to help!